There could be information in this update that is more information than you want to know about me. Consider yourself warned ;o)
My appointment went well. My midwife still has me at 2cm 70% effaced. Today she said my cervix was very soft and very well behaved. LOL She did a membrane sweep and cervical massage since I'm totally ready to go into labor now that Ginger is home. The exam has given me a small amount of bloody show through the day. If is stops by tomorrow, I'll think it was just from the exam but, if it continues or gets more in volume, I'll think, just maybe this is it! I've started accupressure points and intend to climb the stairs a million times and maybe even break out some jumping jacks if I get really desperate. ;o) Oh yeah, during the exam, she also said he's lower. I swear, if he gets any lower he really will be hanging on my ankles. LOL I have contractions daily and many at night but even if they form a regular pattern for a while, they subside eventually proving them to be false labor.