Sunday, November 30, 2008

November Photos x2

"Mommy, take a picture of my crazy eyes"

3 Months Old

Gwendolyn's first haircut

My sweet comfort boy

On Election day, Gwendolyn got to vote for her favorite Elmo and make a flag with her playgroup friends.

"Some people say I look like my Great Grandpa"

Holiday Cookies

Gwendolyn's first time making holiday cookies

November Photos

Zoe, Delaney and Gwendolyn on Thanksgiving

Link and Aunt G on Thanksgiving

How cute is that?!?

Gwendolyn loves Billie and Alan's dogs (all of their animals actually)

Erik and Duncan on Thanksgiving

Link and Aunt Jaime (Apparently Link isn't ready to party with Jaime yet) ;o)

"Check me out Mom!"

The boys on Chargers game day

Halloween 2008

Grandpa's favorite Charger fans

3 of the boy babies born this summer and their siblings watching over them on Halloween. This is a small sampling of the baby boom happening in our playgroup right now.

Well now there's a pair for ya

The Calems on Halloween. Greyson and his BFF (not pictured), wearing a sombrero (his mustache wasn't on yet) Duncan dressed up as a girl along with his BFF (also not pictured), Delaney as a Charger Cheerleader, William as a pro-soccer player and Ginger as his referee

Great-Grandma with all but 1 of her Great Grand Children (Imogen was in MN)

October Pics x3

2 Months Old

Gwendolyn's cousin's are insistent that she play soccer. She's taking lessons from them already.

This is Gwendolyn making sure you know, she has possession of the ball and no, you aren't allowed to kick it, only she is. ;o) LOL

Queen of soccer....just in case you didn't already know it

Family Pumkin Carving Party

"I ike it Daddy"

Daddy needed to have pink hair like Abby Kaddaby

This must be the biggest pumpkin of them all!

....and that wasn't all of the pumpkins if you can believe that!

"Yadi" and Link

Gwendolyn helps get the guts out

Daddy showing her how to trace the pattern

A rare picture of Fred in the Halloween spirit

Marc and Delaney sharing some green locks

Marc in Grandpa bliss

Delaney loves to be a motherly cousin :o)

Mitzi and Link