Friday, February 19, 2010

Naps suck....but I love'em

Here I am as usual stuck because, of poor time management with a list of errands that will have to wait as the children nap.  Before I had children I knew I wanted to take my infant everywhere in hopes that the baby would get used to sleeping when they were tired regardless of where we were.  This worked wonders until Gwendolyn was 2.  Then the environment was always more exciting than going to sleep.  I felt pretty great in keeping my "freedom" for so long and not having my schedule ruled by "nap time".  By that time, Gwendolyn was only taking 1 nap a day so, at least I had that going for me.  Fast forward to when Link was born.  I kept to my system of just taking him everywhere and he's done pretty well.  Link will wake more easily so his "out naps" are definitely less restful than Gwendolyn's were.  Gwendolyn will still take a nap even though she's turning 4 next month.  Both of my kiddos will fall asleep in the car.  This is both a blessing and a curse.  There are times when I just want them to stay awake until we get home but, usually, I'm okay with them taking a nap in their car seats as long as the weather is not too extreme.  I'm lucky enough in our floor plan that I can leave the kitchen door open to the garage and it just extends my home interior allowing me to let my children stay secure in their seats while they nap.  That doesn't work when it's too hot of course which, takes me back to, I need them to stay awake until we get home and nap inside.

Anyway, back to my whole point.....I love naps in that with the kiddos asleep, I have at least a short time to either get some housework, waste time on facebook (this happens too much I admit), or just watch some TV (also happens more than I want to admit) and relax.  However, there are many times when, I just want to get my errands done.  I don't want to worry about the kiddos being harder to handle because the friends or family that don't have napping children have scheduled some fun action during the usual "nap time".  I'm ready to not worry about "nap time".

I have friends who are very strict about "nap time".  Naps are at a very specific time.  They need to be home and ready for their children to go to their rooms, with the right lighting, stuffed animal or blanket for comfort etc...  I'm sure these friends have found this system to be the answer for harmony in the family.  I certainly know there are children who thrive with rigid routine.  Maybe mine would to and I've proven to be too selfish to give them that much control over our schedule.  The reason I write all this is to say "I MISS MY FRIENDS!"  I feel like I hardly ever get to really spend time with my friends because nap time awaits.  When we are together, we of course can only be half there since we are watching our children with at least 1 eye and making sure they are "sharing" etc.....

I guess in the end, my post title really sums it up for me.  I'm so conflicted.  It's great to have time awake when I don't have a child calling to me or needing me for some reason.  However, I just want to be able to go where I need to go and not watch the time and of course I want to spend time with my friends and family without cranky children of no friends to spend time with at all since they are home for their naps.

Of course, as it goes with growing children, when naps are done, school is in so, my friends will undoubtedly be doing something responsible like their errands or housecleaning during that time.

Oh, woe is me.......ok I'll get over it......I'm lucky to have the family and friends I do even if I don't get to spend the time with them that I want.......and of course.......I'm so lucky to have my beautiful and wonderful children when I know there are people would give anything to have to worry about "nap time" and can't have children for one reason or another so, LUCKY am I!!!!


  1. I guess I fall into the category of strict naptimes. I guess I feel that my children come first in this area for the few short years that they take naps. I of course have lots of things I could be doing but choose to make their health and happiness the top priority for a little while. If your kids are fine without consistent naps thats great for you but a lot of kids aren't. In a few years, neither of them will take naps and we'll have a lot more flexibility. I look forward to that day! Right now only Carter takes a nap so I have Brendan go to his room for an hour of "quiet" time for mommy and then he can come out and I do something just with him that I can't do with Carter up. Its great and I look forward to it. But it will be great to be able to be out and about as long as we please or need to be. :) Hope you find some peace about naptimes for just a few more years! :) you'll miss it when its gone! lol

  2. So true Megan. Thanks for reading my long post :o)

  3. Well, you know where I stand on Naps. I think they call me the Nap Nazi. :) It's definitely to provide structure, consistency, and most importantly good uninterrupted rest (oh, and to give me time to re-group). I've found the evenings to be hard when they're over-tired. I also have some other theories on it based on books I've read, but I won't bore you with that snore fest.

    Anyway, back on track...I hope I'm one of the friends you miss? I miss you! Maybe we just need more evenings out, one on one playdates, or Chai Lattes at the Y?

    Love ya!
