Dear Lincoln,
Happy Birthday my darling little man!! It's been 2 years since the day I first held you in my arms. Here I was thinking, "I've got this in the bag" (since I had all of 2 years and 5 months experience raising your sister). True, there were some things, I did in fact "have in the bag" but, you never cease to show me just how much is no where near the bag never mind in it.
You've certainly kept me on my toes as you are far more mischievous than Gwendolyn. You are amazingly curious and always want to check things out. We think you are a born engineer. When you come upon any item, it doesn't matter if it's a mobile phone, dvd player, computer, will find out how it works and it won't take you long.
We were concerned a little bit because, you didn't want to say much. You were still communicating with us with sign language and unintelligible words but, not in the clear language your friends were. At about 18 months, you really started to sign a lot. Then you would talk like crazy but no one knew really what you were saying. Luckily, you still signed your favorite signs (I wasn't able to get you to grab onto all the ones I tried teaching you) and you talk with the rest of your body too. If you are displeased in any way, you make sure everyone around you knows it. To do this you use your voice of course but, also some of the greatest expressions. Amazingly, you already know how to use your expressions to try and manipulate those around you to get whatever you want. Today, in addition to all those expressions and sign language, you are starting to say a decent amount of words that are intelligible to others.
(Link's first beach experience during our trip to San Diego)
One huge way you are different than not only your sister but, your parents too, is that you don't seem to care about sleep very much. You rise and shine near 7am every morning, your nap is rarely much over an hour and you can make it until past 9pm before nursing down. Regardless of when you go to bed, you are up at 7am. I make a huge effort now to get you into bed by 8:30 because, you exhaust me my lovely son and I need some down time before I hit the sack myself. As much giddy up and go that you have, you do enjoy tender moments throughout the day of just being held for a little snuggle and a kiss. Then you're off and running again. It truly is just a moment so, I try to pay attention and enjoy those when they happen.
Along the lines of nutrition you are doing much better. It was almost a year ago that we started feeding therapy because you didn't like eating any solid foods. It didn't take you long to see some of the finer points of cuisine. Now, you are a better eater than your sister! All of us in our family have dietary hurdles to overcome but, you Link are well on your way. You do still nurse twice a day. It's your morning coffee and your nightcap. I have a feeling you may wean yourself soon but, then again, just when I think I've figured out what you're up to, you switch it up on me so, who knows when you'll decide you're done nursing.
Lincoln, you are a joy and light in my life. I hope you remain a "mama's boy" as I love all the love you give me. You are bound to achieve amazing things in your life. At just 2 years old, I can tell that you will continue to make me proud for many many years to come.
Mommy Loves You!!! xoxoxoxo