Last week we had a bit of a scare. I thought I might have been in pre-term labor. I was having quite a few contractions and thought my water might have been leaking. I called my midwives who had me come into the birth center to get checked out. Naturally, by the time I got there, I was certain I was wasting everyones' time. As bad as I felt for that, I was really hoping I was indeed doing just that. I had all the usual tests which showed all was still well in preggo land and I could rest easy. YAY!!! I was even told I could water ski all I wanted! WOOHOO!! Don't freak out......I explained what a boom was and that I was only going to do that. I won't be throwing any 180's on the wake board this summer. ;o) LOL
Marc did a photo shoot with Gwendolyn and I. I'm 31 weeks PG and Gwendolyn is 27 months in these photos.
Mommy gets really happy when I agree to wear my sunnies. She says my eyeballs won't burn that way. LOL I think she's silly. Takin' my buddy Andrew for a drive I love playing at the water table, especially with all my friends!!