Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pre-term labor??......Nope, all good :o)

Last week we had a bit of a scare. I thought I might have been in pre-term labor. I was having quite a few contractions and thought my water might have been leaking. I called my midwives who had me come into the birth center to get checked out. Naturally, by the time I got there, I was certain I was wasting everyones' time. As bad as I felt for that, I was really hoping I was indeed doing just that. I had all the usual tests which showed all was still well in preggo land and I could rest easy. YAY!!! I was even told I could water ski all I wanted! WOOHOO!! Don't freak out......I explained what a boom was and that I was only going to do that. I won't be throwing any 180's on the wake board this summer. ;o) LOL

Marc did a photo shoot with Gwendolyn and I. I'm 31 weeks PG and Gwendolyn is 27 months in these photos.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Swimming with cousins

Jumping to Greyson

Jumping to Duncan

Horseplay with Delaney

Greyson takes Gwendolyn for a ride around the pool

Swim Lessons!

Our friends from playgroup that took lessons with us

Gwendolyn swims under the water!

We waited in the baby pool for lessons to start every day and Gwendolyn surely enjoyed passing the time in there. My kid LOVES the water!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mother's Day playdate

Mommy gets really happy when I agree to wear my sunnies. She says my eyeballs won't burn that way. LOL I think she's silly.

Takin' my buddy Andrew for a drive
I love playing at the water table, especially with all my friends!!

Night time pics

Lovin' my leapfrog computer "Thank you mama and baba"
Our sleeping beauty