Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sweet Berry Farm, April 08

We went to the strawberry farm and had a great time!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Fair, March 08

Gwendolyn wasn't nervous at all when feeding the animals

She really enjoyed all the animals, I'm not sure she had a favorite.

Riding the pony was a big hit. There was almost a major tantrum when I had to pull her off him.

March Birthday Post

I thought I'd share a few pics from Gwendolyn's and Ken's birthdays

Happy 2nd Birthday Gwendolyn!!! March 23rd

Gwendolyn's 2 year photos (Taken by Grandpa Marc of course) :o)

Happy Birthday Ken!!! March 28th

Thursday, May 22, 2008

There's a name on the table!!!

Ken and I have decided that we both think "Lincoln Charles" is a pretty cool name. His nickname would be "Link" (as in Zelda) ;o) We still have a few months to think about it and consider other options but, this is the closest we've come to a name for our boy so, for now, we're running with it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Having sprinkler park fun

As many of you know, we are very active with our local playgroup. One of our favorite places when it's hot is the sprinkler park. Here are a few pics of our fun this week.

Let's try this again

I'm really hoping I can find the time to better learn how to use blogger and start updating our blog on a regular basis. I do miss our website it many ways. Hopefully this will be a fun way to keep everyone updated and I'll be able to keep up on it and not disappoint anyone.